Aoda's blog
About Me

Hi 👋 , I'm Aoda from 🇨🇳

I'm a Software Engineer and Tech writer, with over 6 years of experience in web development.

I'm here to share my full-stack develop knowledge based on JavaScript and Nodejs.

I like hiking and everything related to nature.

please let me know ( By facebook or email ) If you come to my city ChengDu for travel, I will be your best free tour guide. I like to communicate with people from different cultures all over the world.

Tech Stack

Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS

Front-end: React, NextJs, SCSS, react-query, react-router, zustand,redux, MUI

Back-end: Express.js, Nest.js, MongoDB, MySQL, Redis, Azure, AWS


Full-stack Software Engineer ( Manulife )

As a member of the GWAM team, mainly responsible for developing and maintaining the fund trading platform in Southeast Asia.

  • Responsible for the front-end and back-end system design and code development of important modules.
  • Responsible for monthly regression testing.
  • Summarize and write detailed business documents and present them to the marking team.
  • Support prod issue repair by emergency team.

Senior Frontend Software Engineer ( Newegg )

As a member of MKPL, mainly responsible for developing and maintaining Newegg’s merchant backend web site and mobile app (Newegg Seller) .

  • Based on qiankun, responsible for completing the micro-front-end architecture transformation of the old business.
  • Lead the front-end engineering work of the react technology stack project team, including technology selection, directory structure formulation, development specifications, git submission specifications, UI interaction specifications, multi-language file specifications, etc.
  • Promote the development of monthly technical meetings of the front-end team.
  • Assist colleagues in other front-end technology stacks to carry out react-related work.
  • Lead react native optimization of mobile terminal development and testing process.
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